Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dangers of nitrates and Factory farmed meats

Sodium nitrate, also known as sodium nitrite, is an additive used to cure and preserve meats. It’s both a salt and an antioxidant. It is commonly found in hot dogs, bacon, ham, salami, bologna and poultry products.
  1. Function

    • Manufacturers add sodium nitrate to meat products for the purpose of preventing botulism by inhibiting the growth of the bacteria that causes it. The additive also helps keep meats from spoiling quickly. Without it, cured meats wouldn’t have the same color or flavor. According to the website, cured meats must be made with nitrates, by definition.


    • According to Phil Lempert, food editor at the TODAY show, “nitrites combine with amines naturally present in meat to form carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds” when cooked. It’s thought that these carcinogenic compounds increase the risk for stomach, pancreatic and colorectal cancers. A study published in “Public Health Nutrition” found substantially increased incidents of brain cancer in children of women who ate a large amount of cured meats while pregnant.


    • Meat is not the only consumption source of sodium nitrate. Due to pollution from fertilizers and manure runoff, nitrates can be present in drinking water. They also exist naturally in green leafy vegetables, like spinach, and root vegetables, such as potatoes. It’s possible that other elements in the vegetables stop the formation of N-nitroso compounds.

    Factory Farming is the practice of raising usually thousands of animals in close confinement and high density with the purpose of producing meat, eggs, or milk in the fastest, most efficient, and cheapest way possible for human consumption. These industrial operations are corporate agribusiness institutions, also called “CAFOS” – concentrated animal feeding operations.
    The number of animal farms in the US has decreased drastically over the decades, and while a few companies grew exponentially large, much less people are employed in factory farming today than in the industry’s beginnings in the 1920s. One worker now supplies more than 90 consumers (1). The major four food companies in the US produce 81% of cows, 73% of sheep, 57% of pigs, and 50% of chickens (1). 10 billion animals are now killed in US factory farms every year.
    US milk production doubled between 1959 and 1990, while the number of dairy cows declined by 40% (26)

    Key Characteristics Of Factory Farming

  2. pigs on factory farm
    pigs on factory farm
    Economies of scale dictate everything. One of the world’s largest pig farms in the US holds 500,000 hogs in one Smithfield facility in Utah in tight confinement (33).
  3. Large numbers of animals are usually held indoors in closed confined pens and sheds, and often with physical restraints to control unnecessary movement. The more animals they can crowd into a space, the more profitable it is for the factory farm.
  4. Factory farms are highly standardized for efficiency. Monocultures of animals and feed crops are created to be highly unified through gene manipulation to help yielding consistent production every year. Less diversity and variety of agricultural products make management and regulation of food quality easier.
  5. Growth hormones, genetic engineering, and specific breeding programs are used to create more desirable and consistent animal anatomies, and to stimulate faster growth. This potent chemical cocktail fattens only the animal parts that consumers pay most for.
  6. Huge amounts of antibiotics and pesticides are used to fight the spreading of diseases and bacteria, as farm animals would get sick due to the crowded conditions, dirt, and humidity in the pens.
  7. cows on factory farm
    factory farm cows
    feed on grains
    All factory farm animals – including fish – are fed grains, mostly high-yield corn and soy mixes, which are cheap but low in nutrition (34). The feed can also contain ground-up parts of other animals of the same or other species that did not make it into human food production (35, 36).
  8. Fish farming is one of the fastest growing food producing sectors. More than 30% of sea animals consumed each year are raised on fish farms now (20).
  9. The typical factory farm worker gets low wages, works severe overhours, and won’t complain, as he has no rights. More often than not, illegal immigrants are used, as they would cope with all conditions for fear of deportation. Working conditions at factory farms are harsh, dreadful, and hazardous to safety and health of these workers (40).
  10. The federal US government subsidizes 35% of feed crop production (41) and US taxpayers paid $56 billion on corn subsidies over the last 12 years (42). 80% of this corn is used for farm animal feed (43). Without these subsidies, industrial farming would be inefficient and much too expensive for producers and consumers.
I suggest you watch a movie called food inc.,it will change the way you look at food.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Allicin 400 Absolute The best Allicin on the market and here is why

  • Allicin 400 Absolute  has 60 enteric coated tablets with 400 mg of Allicin (thats almost twice as much as Alli-c)

  • Allicin 400 Absolute causes no odor for you or those close to you to deal with.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute is scientifically proven lethal to disease-causing bacteria, including over 300 strains of MRSA and VRSA.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute does not harm your body’s friendly bacteria or cause negative side-effects. The stabilized Allicin in Allicin 400 Absolute is the strongest, most versatile, safest, and healthiest natural antibiotic known to man.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute also kills viruses and fungi, and it drives parasites out of the body. It has been scientifically proven in double-blind studies using low doses to greatly reduce the number, severity, and duration of common colds. Allicin 400 Absolute fights all types of diseases caused by harmful microbes.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute can help lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute can help ease arthritic pain and swelling.

  • Allicin400 Absolute can be harmful to cancer cells.

  • People and animals taking Allicin 400 Absolute are less apt to be bitten by mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute is not Garlic or a Garlic supplement, but rather makes all Garlic supplements obsolete.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute may be taken by children ages 3 and up as well as pets. Allicin 400 Absolute is safe in virtually any quantity. The only people who should not take Allicin 400 Absolute are children under 3 years of age and those allergic to Garlic.

  • The normal maintenance dosage of Allicin 400 Absolute for an adult is one capsule per day, but higher amounts may be safely taken for therapeutic purposes. Each bottle of Allicin 400 Absolute contains 60 capsules for a two-month supply at the normal maintenance dosage.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute is made and packaged with pharmaceutical grade materials and grown to GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) agricultural standards. There is no real need to spray Garlic with pesticides since nothing attacks it, so the Garlic used to make Allicin 400 Absolute is pesticide-free.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute is the exact product that The Benitez Family takes themselves.

  • Allicin 400 Absolute is affordable for everyone. With Allicin 400 Absolute, you get more Allicin for your money than with other Allicin-based products. Every kitchen cabinet in the world should contain some Allicin 400 Absolute

  • Allicin 400 Absolute gives you twice the strength of the most popular Allicin product on market today.Twice the servings and less than half the cost .Making Allicin 400 Absolute the best buy for your money.

  • Outrageous Nitro Stack Pack a Flawless Science creation

    The most powerful anabolic muscle stack available - Guaranteed!  Compare what's on our label to any NO2 or muscle growth product on the market and you'll be convinced - none come even close to the level of active ingredient in our stack. Competitors add a few good actives, then window dress their product with negligible amounts ingredients in secretive proprietary blends. They want to you believe it's like Coca Cola's secret formula, but in reality they're just hiding the real truth - there's nothing there. We have no secrets and our labels tell all, including each ingredient and the exact dosage

    It's not just what's in our product that counts; it's what not in there. Outrageous Nitro Stack Pack ,and Barbaric Matrix Stack Pack contains no binders, sugar, maltodextrin, dextrose or fillers. It's an industry practice to use these cheap fillers to dilute products to bring costs down. We refuse to. Like all Flawless Science products, Outrageous Nitro Stack Pack,and Barbaric Matrix Stack pack Stack's contains only 100% pure active ingredient for maximum muscle growth. Our products are  pharmaceutical grade, ultra-pure for maximum bioavailability, and manufactured by us in the United States in our FDA/GMP compliant facility. By manufacturing our products, we can control all aspects label claim, dosage control, and ingredient identity and purity.Manufactured by Benitez Laboratories in Atlanta Ga.

    7-In-1 Nitric Oxide Vasodilator  Outrageous Nitro STACK pack is a no-nonsense 7-in-1 extreme nitric oxide and anabolic complex that supercharges muscle size, hardness and strength. The most powerful nitric oxide vasodilator and cell volumizing formula available and is the only product that includes full therapeutic dosages of the alpha-ketoglutarate version of Arginine, Ornithine, Glutamine and Creatine.
    Includes therapeutic dosages of every ingredient:  Outrageous Nitro Stack Pack contains only pure active pharmaceutical ingredients and none of the cheap additives and fillers that manufacturers lace their products with to bring their cost down. Outragous Nitro Stack Pack gives you pure active Arginine-AKG, Ornithine-AKG, Creatine-AKG and Glutamine-AKG . These highly bioactive muscle building nutrients are seen in many products on the market but rarely in their therapeutic dose. This is a common practice in the sports supplement industry known as "window dressing" your product. Manufacturers put small amounts of expensive active ingredients in their product so they can list it on the label, then fill the bulk of their product with cheap substitutes and fillers like maltodextrin and dextrose. Like window dressing a mannequin, the product looks good on the outside but on the inside, where it counts, there's nothing there. Don't fall into that trap, with Outrageous Nitro STACK pack  you're guaranteed explosive gains in muscle size, hardness, strength and endurance.

    Intense Flawless Sex for weight loss

    Sexercise helps lose those extra pounds. Or to put it simply, sex aids weight loss. Did that get your attention and a chuckle? Well, it certainly got mine!
    Desperate for weight loss, it did pique my interest and I dug further to find more facts which might help me and my readers lose those extra pounds without any gym membership, athletic clothes, and crash diets within the privacy of their bedroom. What could be more fun than that? Guess what, it does work. Let’s see how.
    How does sex help weight loss?
    Having loads of sex is like killing two birds with the same stone. Not only it helps one lose weight, it keeps you on the slimming track and the increased testosterone makes you eager for more sex.
    An orgasm, like chocolate releases the endorphins in your brain with the exception of calories. According to Women’s Health, research shows that “the more weight you lose, the better your sex life gets. A Duke University study found that even a 10 percent reduction in weight (that’s 15 pounds if you weigh 150) resulted in major improvements in all areas of the participants’ sex lives, including arousal, feelings of attractiveness, and enjoyment of sexual activity.”
    Half an hour of sex therapy session aids you to burn anywhere from 15-350 calories, depending on the level of activity. Dr.Yvonne KristĂ­n Fulbright is a sex educator, relationship expert at FOX suggests longer session at least five times a week can burn around 1650 calories. She further says, “The active partner- typically the one on top tends to burn more.” So try that reverse cowgirl and rock your mans world. Jump on him like a trampoline you’ll loose weight, get your cardio in . Strengthen your calves, abs, glutes, thighs, forearms, triceps and biceps with rewards you can feel instantly.
    The key is however to enjoy and not make it a chore. For more effective weight loss, it’s important to burn more calories. Kissing and cuddling help you get started, but to lose those pounds get creative.
    Apart from burning those calories and weight loss, sex reduces stress, helps you sleep better; raises your heart rate, improves blood flow, tones your muscles, changes more of your bad cholesterol (LDL) to good cholesterol (HDL), rejuvenates your mind and body. The increased activity helps women to produce more estrogen, which make them feel attractive, beautiful and sexy. Not only sex helps you lose those pounds, it certainly makes you feel happier, rested and contented. And not to forget the bonding and intimacy that develops between partners.
    So, what are you waiting for?
    “Honey, can you come home?”

    Monday, April 25, 2011

    Weight loss supplements that Work,Is There Really Such A Thing?

    Do you wonder if there is any such thing as a diet pill that works? The short answer is yes, there are weight loss supplements which works. In fact there is more than one, however finding a supplement that works for you can present a challenge. In this discussion you will discover several things which will help your weight loss supplements to work, more efficiently.

    Weight loss supplements, just as diets, can’t work solely on their own; they require your co-operation. If you can eat relatively healthy and undertake a small amount of exercise each week then the chances will increase exponentially that your supplements will work.

    A word of caution and warning needs to be inserted here. You should always see your doctor to make sure you have no underlying health issues causing your weight gain. It is also important for the Doctor to determine you are physically healthy enough to pursue a weight loss diet and exercise program.

    It is well known that the best way to stay fit and healthy is by eating well and exercising. However, some people still require a little more motivation. This is when a weight supplement comes into play. Supplements can increase the speed and kick start your weight loss. The initial weight loss becomes a huge motivator.

    Most diet pills claim that they are the very best product on the market. Often times claiming you will lose weight instantly and without effort. In some cases this is an outright lie. In other cases it’s partially true,such as our Flawless Science products.

    There is no single "best" weight loss pill nor will any have you losing weight (safely) in just a few hours. The best weight loss pills don’t make false claims; they just tell you the facts. Sure they may hype it up a bit, but leave the outrageous lies to the pills that do nothing for you. So how do you choose a good diet pill that works?

    Natural and Herbal Products
    These products are generally what most diet pills are. Natural diet pills also will not expose you to dangerous side effects that chemical based pills can. If a product is marketed as "all natural" or "herbal" then you can be sure it is based on natural ingredients such as plants and minerals.

    Look at the Marketing
    If the diet pill company website has unrealistic claims and downright sleazy marketing tactics then you can become a little suspect of the product. A good diet pill company will not try to gloss over their products, they will simply give you the facts.

    With a good common sense approach and a little work on your part, you can find a diet supplements that work for you.
    These are the ones we recommend,

    Acai 1200 Supreme
    Ultimate African Mango 1200
    Hoodia Max 2000 TR

    Dancing away the pounds Flawlessly

    An Awesome Alternative Weight Loss By Dancing

    If you’ve ever watched in awe as a professional dancer performed some feat that seems to deny physics and thought, “I wish I could do that!” you may want to look into weight loss by dancing. If there’s one thing that almost every dancer has in common, it’s that they’re in tip-top physical shape. Needless to say, they didn’t get to be that way without a lot of work. Dancing is a demanding physical activity, but it’s also a lot of fun, two ingredients for a great weight loss plan!

    There are two reasons that people might be afraid to try weight loss by dancing. Either they’re too embarrassed to dance in public because they’re overweight, or they’re too self-conscious about their ability to dance in the first place. Fortunately, fitness teachers long ago learned the value of dance as part of an exercise program. Finding a dance class in your area is just in an Internet search away.

    No matter what style of music you like to dance to, there’s almost guaranteed to be a dance fitness class that makes use of it. Hip hop dancing, ballroom dancing,salsa dancing, zumba, and even belly dancing classes can help you achieve weight loss by dancing. These classes aren’t like professional dancing auditions – they exist to teach, and will help you along the way. There’s no need to feel embarrassed or self-conscious when trying a dance class.

    If you can’t overcome your fear of dancing in public, there are other options. A number of dancing and fitness instructors produce videos and DVDs that can teach you how to dance and lose weight in the privacy of your own home.Flawless Science will be producing some of these soon to assist you . You can lock your door, pull the shades over your windows, and dance your heart out, burning calories all the way. If you stick to it, you’ll be able to go out and dance in public with fresh confidence.

    There are even options for people who aren’t interested in traditional dancing styles, or those who seek a more competitive edge to losing weight through dancing. There are a number of dancing video games available for home video game consoles that many people, especially youths, have used to achieve drastic weight loss results. While this can be a pricey choice for people who don’t own a console, for some people it’s a perfect option.

    These game works by scrolling arrows up the screen, while the player steps on a large pad in time with the beats. Easy levels provide a nicely paced, slow workout, while harder difficulties test the limits of a person’s quickness and staying power. These games generally score your performance, meaning there’s always a drive to perfect your performance, which is just what some people need.

    The biggest complaint people have about trying to lose weight is that it can be really boring and time consuming. Working out gets you fit, but its easy to get bored with repetitive movements and at the end of the day, you haven’t learned any new skills. Weight loss by dancing is a fun and interesting alternative to a day at the gym.Feel free to make it part of your workout routine at the gym too.

    Flawless Science gives you the facts on Gastric Bypass

    The truth  About Complications Gastric Bypass Recovery

    A lot of people these days are considering having gastric bypass surgery and are wondering about any complication gastric bypass surgery may cause. The bad news is that there aren’t a lot of resources available for people. Some of the resources that are available are often written in medical language and hard understand. This is why there is a huge demand for this type of information to be written in easy to understand language that the everyday person, the type of people are most likely considering the surgery, can read. This is why we have put together the following guide to help you better understand some of the risks and complications gastric bypass surgery may result in.

    It is important to remember that there are a lot of different forms of this surgery; this is why there can’t be one comprehensive guide for all of these different forms of the surgery. Due to this reason, the following guide is just a general list of risks and complications gastric bypass surgery can result in. It is important to remember that this guide should not replace professional help; you should always consult your doctor or medical health professional before considering any types of surgery or taking any medications. Secondly, you should note that everyone’s body will react differently to the surgery and healing times as well as any complications might be specific to the person.

    In the most extreme conditions complications gastric bypass surgery causes can lead to death. It’s important to remember that this is really rare and only occurs in about one per 200 to 300 surgeries. The risk factor of a result as serious as this will all depend on many different things including your age, weight, and overall medical health condition.

    Perhaps one of the most common complications from this surgery, although it is still extremely rare, is blood clots in the legs. These are more likely to appear in extremely overweight people that are classified as morbidly obese. There are many risks factors that are commonly associated with blood clots. If you are concerned about the likelihood of these complications gastric bypass surgery can potentially cause such as blood clots, you should always consult your doctor or medical health professional in order to get their medical opinion. In some cases your doctor may refer you to someone that specializes in gastric bypass recovery.

    Another set of complications gastric bypass surgery is known to cause is leaking at one of the staples on the stomach. For the most part this complication can be treated with antibiotics and most people will make a full recovery quite easily. However there are some rare cases where this condition might need emergency surgery in order to correct it. This is perhaps one of the most rare complications in recent years as the risks of this type of surgery steadily decrease. If you have any questions about this medical procedure or complications caused by gastric bypass surgery, the best thing you can do is consult your medical healthcare professional or doctor to get their medical opinion.Once you have this procedure done know that you will never be able to absorb the nutrients in food properly. Leading to a new myriad of health problems,so loose weight naturally,Flawlessly.

    5 Flawless tips to loose weight quick

    5 Flawless Tips On Losing Weight

    Everyone you talk to seems to have dozens of tips on losing weight. Some are good common sense tips, but some seem to come out of left field.  Even people who can’t seem to successfully lose weight and keep it off, seem happy to offer up tips and advice to other people.  That’s a pretty good indication that many of us know the best advice and tips on losing weight, but we just don’t follow them very well. Here are some tips which, if you use them in your daily journey toward losing weight, can help you.

    Use smaller plates. This is one of those tips on losing weight that often makes people roll their eyes.  It has nothing to do with eating or exercise, but it really does trick your mind into thinking you’re eating more food.  A smaller plate will look fuller than a large plate if they have the same amount of food on them. You might even naturally put less food on the smaller plate, to keep it from looking so loaded down.  It’s a mental trick, but you should try it because it works for many people.

    Eat slowly. This is one of the oldest and most popular tips on losing weight. Have you ever watched a speed-eating contest?  Imagine someone eating the same amount of food as the winner, but imagine them eating it slowly.  The champion may have scarfed down 20 pies in very little time.  Could you actually sit down with a fork and slowly eat 20 pies?  It’s not likely.

    The speed eater ate so fast, his body didn’t even have time to scream, “STOP, I’M FULL!” And if it had, he was only focused on putting more and more food in, just as we are when we’re “starving” and we gulp down our food.  Eat slowly and you’ll reach a pleasant feeling of fullness rather than the one that means you’ve eaten too much too fast.

    Watch your portion sizes. If fried chicken is your favorite, you might start out with 2 or 3 pieces on your plate. Try grabbing one small piece instead, and filling up on salad or green veggies to replace those missing pieces of chicken. Try to keep a portion of food about the size of your fist. Those mashed potatoes that you don’t want to give up?  Still eat them, but stop after one small portion, instead of piling a mountain on your plate.

    Don’t clear your plate. Of all the tips on losing weight, this one is often the hardest. As children we were taught not to turn down food because other people were starving.  We might have even gotten punished for “wasting food” and forced to eat it.

    You’re not starving, and you can’t send that food to those who are, so do yourself a favor and don’t eat it. To avoid the guilt of wasting food, use another one of the good tips on losing weight and simply start out with less food on your plate next time.

    Great link on quick weight loss

    Friday, April 22, 2011

    How to properly calculate your metabolic rate for weight loss

    Here is a calculator to assist you in calculating your caloric intake for weight loss.

    Wednesday, April 20, 2011

    Flawless Science: How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women

    Flawless Science: How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women: "How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women If you have ever waved at someone and then realized that your arm kept waving after you tried to stop..."

    How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women

    How To Get Rid Of Fat Arms For Women

    If you have ever waved at someone and then realized that your arm kept waving after you tried to stop, then you want to know how to get rid of fat arms. For women, this may seem to be a bigger issue than for men, but it really isn't. This is one of the hardest areas to lose weight. You may struggle mightily to lose weight here and work hard only to realize that you aren't seeing any results.

    Why is it so hard to lose weight in your arms?

    The area around your arms may have a large number of fat cells. As your body starts to build up it's fat reserves, it spreads it around wherever it can. Though it may not seem like it, there is a limited amount of space in your mid section. Your body tries to find any and every available space to store it in case it needs it some day. That is why you find yourself gaining weight around your neck and face and arms. Your body may decide to store more around the arms because of the genetics you inherited. Some people are just more prone to storing fat in the arms than others.

    So can I exercise to get rid of this fat in my arms?

    There isn't really any specific exercise that you can do to totally eliminate the fat around your arms. What it is going to take is overall weight loss. There are exercises that you can do to tone the muscles in your arms, but that won't have much of an effect on the fat that's there. The muscles will grow under that fat and take on a good shape, but unless you are working to reduce the fat all over, you will never know. The only way for the efforts of weight training to be displayed is if the curtain (fat) is pulled back to show them off.

    Put yourself on a low fat, high energy diet and an aerobic workout regimen. Getting the right food for your body and for your aerobic activities will go a long way towards reducing that fat around your arms and everywhere else. Get moving using aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise means exercise with oxygen. This is the only way that you are going to get that fat burning off. Do exercises that gets your heart pumping and your lungs working hard. The more air you push through your body, the more fat is going to be burned off.

    If you want to increase the amount of fat you are burning off in your aerobic activity, increase the amount of muscle you have overall. Get on a regular schedule of lifting weights. Your metabolism rises with the amount of muscle you gain. If you have higher metabolism, you will find you lose fat at a faster rate. That means that it will also take less work to burn that fat off.

    If you can find the time to start exercising more with an emphasis on aerobic activity, you will find how to get rid of fat in arms for women and men.

    Free list of negative calorie foods

    Free List Of Negative Calorie Foods What Are They

    Are you looking for a free list of negative calorie foods? These are the foods that actually take more energy to consume than the calories they contain, so it's easy to understand why anyone who wants to lose weight would be going for these types of foods.

    Here is a short free list of negative calorie foods--some of them may surprise you:
    Hot Chili Peppers

    The other great thing about negative calorie foods such as those in the list above is that they actually use calories from other sources in your body in order to be digested. So, eating these calorie burners should definitely be included in any weight loss plan.

    Keep in mind that when your body runs out of energy from carbohydrate sources, the next place it looks for energy is in your fat. This is one way to get rid of excess fat in your body and this is how negative calorie types of food help you lose weight and maintain the weight that you eventually achieve.

    In general, negative calorie foods come from fruits and vegetables as listed above. Other examples include pineapple, papaya, peach, honeydew and cantaloupe. These are beneficial because of their negative calorie properties and because they hold strong detox properties.  Other vegetables include broccoli, green beans, asparagus and carrots. Celery is especially worthy because t only holds 10% of the amount of calories required to digest this vegetable, so the remaining 90% has to come from somewhere else, like your fat stores.

    To get the best results from these types of foods, remember to alternate eating them with other healthy proteins, carbohydrates, whole wheat products and those which contain a lot of fiber. While you may enjoy eating these foods for a while, you can easily tire of them so don't go overboard. Choose one or two a day to substitute into a meal or snack. A diet limited to only these foods could lead to malnutrition. However,  when it comes to snack times, these choices are real winners.

    Also remember that losing weight isn't just about what you eat or don't eat. Another important key to dropping pounds is regular activity. This part scares many people because they envision themselves having to enroll in a gym or to go running for an hour every day.

    Regular activity should be something that you can maintain throughout your life so it should be something that you look forward to doing (or, at the very least, that you don't dread doing). Also, regular doesn't mean "every day". It means "consistent". One easy type of regular exercise is walking. Taking a 20 to 30 minute walk three to four times every week would be considered regular activity.

    Combining the free list of negative calorie foods with a healthy, well-balanced diet and consistent activity will get you where you want to be with your weight.

    How to calculate your Body Mass Index

    Calculating BMI Made Easy

    Before we start calculating BMI, let's discuss what BMI is, and what it isn't.  BMI, or the body mass index, is a tool that's used to determine whether or not a person is at a normal weight for his or her height.  It was invented between 1830 and 1850 by mathematician and scientist Adolphe Quetelet.  Though it's been almost 200 years since he created the BMI, it's used today almost exactly as he outlined. 

    While BMI isn't the final word in whether or not someone is at a normal weight, it's one of the first tools often used to determine if someone's overweight.  Because the BMI doesn't distinguish between weight from fat and weight from muscle (other tools must be used to determine the actual amount of fat) it doesn't work well for very muscular people like athletes.  But for most of us, BMI is a pretty accurate measure of whether we're underweight, a normal weight, overweight or obese.

    Calculating BMI isn't difficult once you understand the formula.  The basic formula is weight divided by height squared, or kg/m2. You simply take your height in meters and square it which means you take the number of meters times itself.  Then divide that number into your weight in kilograms.  So a person who's five-and-a-half-feet tall stands about 1.7 meters.  To get 1.7 meters squared, you simply multiply 1.7 times 1.7, which equals 2.89.  Now, convert weight to kilograms. 

    So if someone weigh 200 pounds, that's about 91 kilograms.  To determine the BMI of someone about five-and-a-half-feet tall who weights 200 pounds, or who stands 1.7 meters tall who weights 91 kilograms, we divide the weight by the height squared, or 91 divided by 2.89.  That gives us the result of about 31.  This individual is classified as obese.  How do I know that?

    A BMI of 18.5 or below indicates an underweight person. The normal weight range is from 18.5 to 24.9. Overweight people will have a BMI of 25 to 29.9.  A BMI of 30 or greater indicates obesity. So a person with a BMI of 31 is in the obese range, but not by much.  By calculating BMI again with different weights, you can see that the person would only need to lose 5 kilograms, or about 11 pounds, to no longer be obese, but merely overweight.  And a loss of 19 kilograms, or about 42 pounds, will put this person within a normal weight range.  Calculating BMI to determine how much weight one should lose can be a big help for someone who's not sure. 

    Calculating BMI can be made even more simple if you're not sure how to convert to kilograms or meters.  Simply take your weight in pounds times 4.88.  Then divide that number by your height in feet, squared.  So a 200 pound person who is 6 feet tall:  976 divided by 36 = 27.1.  After calculating BMI, it's clear this person is within a normal and healthy weight range.

    Here is a video of our natural pain relief product Pain Terminator 2000

    Hoodia MAX 2000TR by

    Acai 1200 Supreme by

    Flawless Science Videos

    Hello everyone I'd like to invite you to look at some of our videos pertaining to a few of our cutting edge  natural weight loss products.