Thursday, June 30, 2011

No Whey Flawless Egg White Protien For Your Nutritional Needs

How many of you body builders out there enjoy your eggs? Good, as a matter of fact that’s great, keep it up and continue to read on because you may very well be on the road to increasing your egg intake and thus increasing your muscle mass. But what about all you muscle heads out there that are neglecting eggs because of the taste or simple because you’re lazy and couldn’t be bothered cooking, so you ultimately opt for a tasty whey shake instead. Well after reading this article, I’m confident that eggs will be the first thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning.
An egg is one of the most complete and versatile foods available. It has a valuable role in providing a (Healthy Diet For All) and Especially Bodybuilders, Athletes,MMA fighters, Boxers, etc. . We all know the importance of protein in the muscle building process, without protein, your muscles will simply not grow.
Excluding water protein, it is the next most abundant element that makes up the majority of our bodies, so with all this protein in the body, wouldn’t you say that protein should be a very important part of anyone’s diet? Bodybuilders need to take this a little further by damaging those protein fibers with heavy weight training in order for the protein fibers to regrow stronger and bigger. A bodybuilder’s diet must be much higher in protein than the average persons.
Eggs contain about 6 grams of high quality protein, so high that it is used as the standard by which other foods are measured. Eggs are also a rich source of vitamins, including A, E and K and a range of B vitamins such as B12 (energy), riboflavin and folic acid. Eggs also contain all eight essential amino acids needed for optimal muscle recovery and building valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and iron.
Now before you get scared and say what about the fat that eggs contain, let me break it down for you. The white part of the egg contains no fat what so ever. That’s why we at Flawless Science created The NO Whey Flawless Egg White Protein.
Flawless Science No Whey Egg White Protein is a must have  for your Healthy Diet, Egg White Diet, Zone Diet, Atkins Diet, Vegetarian Diet, Gastric Bypass or Diabetic Diet?
No Whey is the Flawless solution for all your protein needs. No need for refrigeration, no risk of Salmonella, no fillers, artificial sweeteners, and no after taste.